3 weeks into 2016 and I’m still asking myself what I’ve gotten myself into. After trying to save someone’s ass and getting my own handed back to me, I’ve learnt enough for this year. I’m going to stick by this for the rest of the year:

1) do not rush to help anyone at work. Let them help themselves first before stepping in to help them.

Let’s see how the rest of the year turns out. Hopefully well. 

Fit in 2016?

Today I woke up that bit earlier to go for my first run in 2016. 6 days into the year and I’ve only done 1 run. It took so much effort getting out of bed, but I wanted to prove to myself that maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a work schedule is possible. I also wanted to try out my birthday present, my brand new Fitbit 🙂 It’s probably something I need at this point in time when I’m beginning to lose my motivation to workout. It takes note of everything I do; eat, exercise, sleep. I love checking into my Fitbit stats at the end of every day before heading to bed. Funny how the simplest thing can bring so much joy. I hope this Spurs me to get back into my regular exercise routine. 

When I’m not sure anymore 

My whole teaching career, I’ve been waiting for this position and now that I’ve finally achieved it, I’m not sure I want it anymore. My dad says it’s normal and it’s just my mind’s way of telling me that I want to achieve more. That makes sense but why don’t I even feel that bit of satisfaction having achieved what I set out for myself, 7 years ago? I don’t know what to aim for anymore. I don’t want to be a principal, I don’t want to run my own school, I do still want to teach so lecturing seems to be the next best option. But that just feels like a safe option. I’ve hit a wall in terms of career progression. Maybe I should explore early intervention and supported community living for adults with autism. Build my skills a bit more. So many things to think about in 2016. Scary but isn’t that what life is all about? Progression.

2015 + 4 days

I told myself that I would do a post on the eve of new year but other plans got in the way. There’s so much I have to say about 2015 because as Low as it went, it had its many ‘ups’ too.

-2014 was a year of rediscovery, 2015 I found myself. People might hate me for the person I’ve become but it’s time to Stop living for others 

-I travelled, every opportunity I had. That’s 6 trips in 2015 

-I am confident riding my bike on the road alongside crazy drivers during rush hour. People don’t realise how different it is riding through a park and on the road.

-I have truly fallen in love. THIS was the feeling I was waiting for. 

Things I need to improve on:

– getting rid of negativity